Tuesday, August 20, 2013

prioritizing time + a recipe

I've been carrying around some major guilt lately. Sometimes I think it's warranted, and sometimes I think I'm being silly. I'm talking about that feeling of "I should have/could have done ......" with my time, but instead I slept in, or spent the day being selfish, or just did a whole lot of nothing. Sometimes I neglect cleaning, or laundry. And I never regret it. But sometimes, I feel like I neglect people. And I do regret that. I think?

It seems like visits with friends and family get fewer and farther between as we get older and busier, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Obviously is sucks, but this is normal, right? Normal or not, relatives are getting older. My friendships are growing thinner. I know less and less about people I used to talk to 100 times a day. Yes, they will always be my best friends, but it's heartbreaking not being able to witness every single special moment with people who are? were? such a huge part of my life.

I feel like I'm kind of saying goodbye to an era. An era where I was out every. single. night. When I would galavant all around the world (ok, the state) partying with my friends or visiting someone's random relative at their beach house. An era of 3 hour longs happy hours multiple times a week, and sleepovers that turned into late brunches and afternoons at the pool. An era where laundry and chores could be put off for weeks, instead of just days. College was really great,wasn't it? But really, I'm saying goodbye to the era of free time.

This is something I vow to work on. Time management. The balance of life with calm and fun with obligations. How do you balance these things? Life, family, work, school, romantic relationships, friends? #oldpersonproblems

On a happier note, last night I made pantry pasta, a dish by the Pioneer Woman. I've had this pinned forever, and after seeing it on her show, I had to make it. It turned out great! I even left out the chicken, and my meat loving husband still approved. It was quick and easy and dirt cheap. I see this dinner making lots of appearances on our table. Linking up with Blissfully Miller and Lets Get Bananas today.

pic from her website. recipe here.

Happy Tuesday!
Courtney said...

I relate so much to this. I've noticed as I get older that I'm spending less and less time with people I used to hang out with on a daily basis in high school and college. I know it's part of growing up as we all have full time jobs or kids now but it still makes me sad when I think of how our friendships used to be. At the end of an 8 hour day though, all I want to do is go home and not talk to anybody but my husband!

Anonymous said...

That recipe looks SO good! Thanks for linking up!

The Lady Okie said...

I love Pioneer Woman! I have both her cookbooks and make a lot of things from there. So good! I'll have to try this one out. Also, I know what you mean about friendships. It's harder when you get older and everyone gets busy.

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