Wednesday, June 3, 2015


This face.

Making: Plans for Peanut's first birthday party. Insert sappy "Where does the time go?" comment. But seriously. Can't believe we're about to have a TODDLER.

Drinking: Water and red wine. Pretty typical.

Reading: Nothing unfortunately, but I do have plans to read some light hearted "chic lit" while on vacation. Any good recommendations?

Wanting: A mani/pedi. I am so hard on my hands, and always run around outside barefoot, so the tootsies have seen better days too. Definitely not on the priority list with how busy we have been though.

Looking: At the Teen Mom OG reunion on my TV screen. I can't quite those girls. And at the Stitch Fix box in the kitchen. I so far have yet to fall in love with anything. And they keep sending me stuff that is NOT worth the price. I will pay for nice clothes when they're worth it, but for the love enough with the $50 t shirts!

Playing: The game where I pretend the sink full of dishes isn't there.

Wishing: That N goes back to sleeping through the night. I said it once, I'll say it again: Babies are crazy.

Enjoying: See "Drinking" above.

Missing: My Mom. Nanny, if you're reading this, N says "Move to Ohio!".

Waiting: For the weekend! I heart family time.

Wondering: If I will get any sleep tonight.

Needing: To exercise. I got winded walking up the stairs with the baby today. Bleh. Pretty sure we are going to join the Nature Center, so maybe long walks will be my summer workout.

Noticing: I am slowly getting closer to fitting in all my pre pregnancy clothes, yet my stomach is still a ball of mush.

Thinking: I cannot believe I'm taking a girls trip to Vegas at the end of the summer. Am I going to survive without my baby? Can I hang like I used to? Spoiler alert: NO. Regardless, I can't wait! What do I need to do while we're there?
Anne said...

Liane Moriarty's books are good chick lit for summer reading - What Alice Forgot is my favorite. And 1st birthday party planning?! Isn't that nuts!

Kayla MKOY said...

That's a precious picture of her!!! ;) yay for a girls trip this summer! I'm sure being away from Norah will be hard but you'll have a great time!!

Erin LFF said...

She is looking so big, ahh! I know I'm not supposed to say that, but I can't help it! That cute face is too much! ;) Enjoy all the summery fun/drinks/planning-- speaking of, when are we all getting together?!

Allison said...

I agree with Anne's comment about the books. I've loved all her books so far. :) And I'm with you on the whole not working out thing. Let's "work out" together at the Nature Center for sure! Yay!

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