Friday, April 18, 2014

5 on Friday- random updates for a 3 day weekend

It's been some time since I wrote a 5 on Friday post. Since I'm off work today, I decided to get back in on the action and share 5 randoms things going on in my world today. Linking up with Natasha. Lets get to it!

1. Family Time

I am currently typing away from the guest bedroom of my Mom's house in Chicago! Since I had a three day weekend, I decided to skip town and spend a couple of days with my Mom and sisters. The last time I saw them, we'd just found out I was pregnant, so this is their first time meeting the bump. Last night we caught up over dinner, and the rest of the weekend will be filled with shopping and just spending time together. I am hoping to make it back to Ohio on Sunday in time for brunch with Will's side of the family.

The tired eyes of a pregnant lady after working for 5 hours, then driving for another 5.

I absolutely love getting to spend any time with my family I can, but I have to say, I really will miss my hubby (who is not off work today) these few days. It seems like as soon as he got back from his work trip, I was leaving for this trip. With crazy work weeks, our weekends are so important to us, so it stinks missing out on one. Such is life with family spread all over the country!

2.Nursery Decisions

While we've gotten most of the big decisions made in this arena, I cannot decide on a dresser for the life of me. I know I want it to be white, and I know I want it to be long enough to act as the changing table. Besides that, anything is fair game. I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg on this item considering I may or may not want to use it in the future in Norah's big girl room, but that may be out of my hands. I am hoping to possibly find something today that will be in boxes small enough for me to take back to Ohio myself. Wish me luck!

Another silly thing I can't decide on is what type of lettering I want to but in baby's room. This will be going above either her crib, dresser, or cubby shelving system. I am torn between..

… a single large print initial, which I'd probably get the version that has knobs at the bottom in case you want to use it as a hook


… a large script initial

… or a script monogram

So many choices! Input is much appreciated :) And don't even get me started on a color choice for these things. Thinking pale pink, aqua, or white, depending on what wall I decide to put it on. All of these options are from Pottery Barn Kids.

A lamp and rug are the final two things throwing me for a loop, but I think I am going to hold off on selecting those until we have everything else finished.

3. Registry

Holy cow. Talk about an undertaking. I actually wasn't super overwhelmed with the registry process, but it was pretty tedious. I am hoping I didn't forget anything too major, and am banking on the fact that most of my showers will be attended by women with children, who will know what I need.

I've been scouring the blog world for recommendations, and I think I have a good list going. What are/were your must have registry items? I don't want to miss anything!

4. 19 Things You Have to Explain to Out-of-Towners about Cincinnati.

I love this list. It is so true, and made me laugh quite a few times. I have definitely had to explain these things to people a time or two. Lists like this are all over the internet I know, but I love stumbling across them every single time. While the weather has me seriously considering a move south at least once or twice a season, I really do love the 513 and feel blessed to have found a city where I really feel at home.

5. Baby Wise

Has anyone else read this? Practiced what it teaches? I'm about 1/4 of the way in, and I was not expecting the intensity of this book.

I so far am mostly on board with the recommendations, and I've heard good things, so I am hoping I can retain all of this information and be disciplined enough to use the methods with Norah. If anyone is willing to share their experiences with this or other sleep training methods, I'd love to hear them.

That's all she wrote folks. I hope you enjoy the next few days with family and friends as much as I know I will. Happy Easter weekend!

Shelley said...

that list about cincinnati was hilarious! i've already sent it out to people in the office for a morning giggle.
i love the large initial idea for Norah's room. and what about this for a dresser possibility? (i actually have it in black and LOVE it. and it definitely seems long enough to use as a changing table as well.)
have fun with your family in chicago!

Billy Bonilla said...

Great read thank youu

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