Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A lot to look forward to

Holy isitfriday yet? Unfortunately, it's only Tuesday night as I'm writing this. Fortunately, I have Being Farrah on the TV to distract me from reality. What a train wreck.

The past few days have been hectic, but we've fit in a lot of fun too. All weekend long, I think I was asleep for the night by 8pm. So far second trimester energy is nothing but a myth to me. If all that hyping up this stage of pregnancy was a joke, I am not amused.

We did manage to cook a few of our favorite meals, go to a UC basketball game (where we were robbed of a win), and spend some time with Will's parents. Sunday morning we had brunch with them at The National Exemplar.

It's one of those places that we've lived by for years, and I've always wanted to eat breakfast at, but generally forget about until some random afternoon.. I can't believe it took me so long, and I will definitely be back. The atmosphere was adorable, and the food was AMAZING.

Work has also joined the baby in overall just kicking my butt. I rushed home tonight to get the dogs to their 6pm grooming appointment. Instead of coming home to two happy puppies, I came home to a huge, disgusting, "mess". I have no idea what they got into, but our house smelled like death and I barely had time to clean it all up before the appointment. The night wasn't totally lost, as Will made it home in time to go to the appointment with me. While we waited for the dogs to be ready we had a nice dinner date and had time to peruse Target. Not bad for a Tuesday!

I'm hoping the next week flies by, because we have a ton to look forward to. On Wednesday, I have my 16 week doctor appointment. This will also be my first time at what will be ( what better be) our final OBGYN practice. I am excited to meet them and just be at ease with the entire doctor situation. Speaking of 16 weeks, I will have pregnancy updates weeks 13 and 14 up this week/weekend. That way next week we'll be just about in real time.
Other things to look forward to besides meeting the new doc and I'm sure getting to hear the heartbeat at the appointment include gender reveals! We have an ultrasound next week on Friday. The tech will write the results for us so we can drop them off at the photographer's house without finding out just yet. This will also be the first ultrasound Will gets to attend. I cannot wait to finally get to see our little person moving around together. The next day we'll have a gender reveal photo shoot, then head out for a full day of shopping! Is it next week yet?

Happy Wednesday!
Katie said...

Ahhhhh I can't believe it is soooo sooon! So exciting. What practice did you decide on?

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