Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Random Thoughts and Updates

A few random thoughts for this brutally cold Tuesday.

Will ordered me a Bump Nest for my Valentine’s Day gift, and it came in the mail yesterday. Sorry delivery man that our walk and driveway haven’t been shoveled since the last, oh IDK, 5 snows. Oops… Anyhow, the Bump Nest is glorious. I slept like a baby, and it worked wonders for my knees, hips, and helping me stay on my side all night. I highly recommend it. And they sent me a cute little baby beanie!

My bed isn't in the middle of a field, but that is about how peacefully I slept last night.

Is it summer yet? At least spring? Something?

We’ve been looking into babymoon destinations, and I have to say, I’m pretty pumped about it. I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to take enough time off of work this year to travel anywhere more than a few hours away, so I’d been looking into B&Bs in Lexington and Louisville. As fun and relaxing as that could be, I need a beach. At least a pool. Something. So we’ve decided to set our sites on Charleston, SC or Hilton Head, SC. I. Can. Not. Wait. On the agenda will be lots of relaxing, hopefully some pool and/or beach time, depending on weather when we decide to go, good food, and shopping. There are about a million hotel, resort, and B&B options in both of those cities, so let the research begin.

I posted a picture of a delicious doughnut (btw, not sure if it's doughnut or donut, but moving on) on Instagram yesterday. It was basically the happiest moment of my entire day. Then someone I am related to, who I never even talk to, decided to comment on how horrible the sugar was for my baby. That the ONE donut had a lot of sugar for something the size of a grain of rice, and I should avoid and sugar and soda in the first trimester, because it could cause a miscarriage.

This is easily the most fired up I’ve been in a long time. One- I don’t drink soda. Two- the baby is not the size of a grain of rice. Three- are you an obstetrician? A dietitian? I didn’t think so. Note to the public: please do not give unsolicited diet and nutrition advise to any woman on Instagram, because she probably doesn’t want it. Especially a pregnant woman. And especially when you have no clue what you’re talking about.

Said picture has since been deleted to avoid any more stupid comments.

And on a more positive note, I love my job. And the fact that my job has a caf that serves me amazing breakfasts and lunches. And I love my husband. And our dogs. And my home. And my car. And a whole bunch of other things. They aren’t prefect, or anything too out of the ordinary, but they are perfect for me. Feeling thankful today!
Alexa said...

What the haaaail was that person thinking?! So rude. And that doughnut looked DELICIOUS so they're likely just jealous. Yep, totally it.

Also, HILTON HEAD!!! Though Charleston is amazing too. But Hilton Head I can give you recommendations and maybe just maaaybe I might be there when y'all go? (My parents live there. I'm not being super creepy and stalking your babymoon.) And also also, level of awkwardness if a non-preggo buys a Bump Nest pillow? Because I'm this close.

Meredith @ Barbell Wardrobe said...

Im with Alexa, can non-preggos snuggle the Bump Nest pillow?!

Im pretty sure one doughnut won't hurt and it did look amazing(i will silently drink my jelly doughnut coffee)

According to Jax said...

I saw said donut, and I thought it looked delish!! I'm pretty sure every pregnant person in the world have eaten donuts and much worse all throughout their pregnancy......just take what others say with a grain of sand......or a grain of RICE!! :)

Shelley said...

some people just don't know when to keep their opinions to themselves! so rude!
and i'll admit, i get slightly jealous of every pregnant woman because of the bump nest! it looks glorious :)

Brittany said...

Wow so rude!! I can't believe someone said that

Katie said...

Ugh, i saw that comment. I thought if I told you that s'mores blizzards were my thing when I was pregnant it would make you feel better :) Seriously, I had one at least once a week! So delicious. And let a pregnant lady eat/drink whatever she wants!

Cait | Home Sweet Ruby said...

I live in the Charleston area, its a great place for a babymoon!! There is a lot to do, its not too pricey, and tons of amazing restaurants!

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