Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Love Day

Happy Love Day! The fact that Valentine's Day is on a Friday this year makes it that much sweeter.

I'd planned to write a nice post for today and join a link up of some sort, but with my Grandpa's funeral being yesterday, that just didn't happen.

I did however want to pop in and wish anyone who may be reading a happy day of love. It has been a rough week for my family, but there is so much to be thankful for and feel good about.

Here's to my third Valentine's Day with my amazing Will. We've packed a lot of love into these three years and I can't wait to see what all the future holds for our little family. Our first V Day as a family of 3. Or 5 really if you could our four legged valentines. We'll be up to our usual tonight. A nice dinner out. This year's destination: Carlo and Johnny.

Here's to the example of marriage my grandparents set for us and everyone they know. I hope to reach and exceed the 57 years of happiness they accomplished, and if I can do it half as gracefully, we'll be in business.

Here's to my pregnancy reaching the 13 week mark today! Second trimester, we're ready for you :)

Stay tuned for my weeks 4-12 pregnancy updates next week!

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