Friday, March 10, 2017

what we've been up to

For today I thought I'd share a few things I've been up to since basically disappearing from the blog world.

1. getting involved

The past year(ish), I've been involved with our city's Junior League, as well as our neighborhoods parenting group. Both have been so rewarding, and really helped me fill my time with meaningful, adult activities, without being too much of a strain on my schedule.

I love Junior League because service and giving back is extremely important to me, and it doesnt hurt that so many amazing women are a part of the organization. I am truly in awe of most of them. The parenting group also has service opportunities, puts on a Christmas event for our town, hosts several other family events throughout the year, and has a lot of social opportunities. It's been great to always have something on the calendar to make sure we're creating lots of traditions and memories for our kiddos.

2. working smarter not harder

Or so I like to think. We not rely on Green Bean Delivery, Click List, and Amazon Subscribe and Save for a lot of our grocery and household items. I actually don't hate taking two kids to the store. What I hate, is lugging 20 bags of groceries into the house, while managing 2 kids. And then putting them away, when it's usually lunch and/or nap time. Hard pass. These services have been a God send. Honorable mention to the OrderUp app which has provided me many a delicious meal when I was too lazy or too tired to prepare anything for myself after handling the kids.

3. date nights

We aren't the type of couple who never goes out, but we certainly aren't the type of couple to do weekly dates or anything like that. Lately more than ever Will and I have both realized we were never spending any time alone together. When the kids were asleep we'd be doing separate chores, or one of us were asleep. So for 2017 I wanted to make it a point for us to go on AT LEAST one date night a month, with no kids. So far this year we've managed to watch a basketball game to gather at a bar, go out to dinner to Sotto, have lunch at Yard House, and we have tickets to go see a play at the Cincinnati Shakespeare company later this month. Hoping we can keep this tradition going all year.

4. friend nights (or days)

Another thing I wanted to make sure we started being mindful of this year was maintaining friendships. I am pretty good about scheduling girls nights, lunches, etc. I actually even have a girls trip on the books in April (hallelujah). I really believe that a) it takes a village and I truly value my friendships and b) parents need time to have fun in order to continue to be good parents. Will however is more selfless and always sacrifices his weekends to do what I want to do, work in the yard, etc. I told him to make a point of scheduling time with his friends as much as he can, even if it's just a quick lunch while the kids are asleep on a Saturday. He's listened and I think it's something that will really improve our lives if we can keep it up.

Terrible picture, but the only one we've captured from any of our dates. 

5. two two and under

Parenting two kids is NO JOKE. Two sets of diapers to change. Two baths. Two bedtimes. Two times the crying. Luckily both my kids are generally pretty happy, and I have help most of the times I truly need it. All I can say is I've never been more humbled by an experience in my life. You think you are a level headed, in control person? Come take care of a toddler and a newborn alone for a few days and then talk to me. An entire post on how we've been doing in this arena soon.

Happy Friday! Linking up with Smidge of This.

Kaity B. said...

Dating your spouse is SO hard with two kids! Monthly dates were one of our goals for 2017, and so far we've had one this year 🙄😂

According to Jax said...

Ugh - we are the couple who NEVER gets to go out on dates. Neither of our families live in Cincinnati so we don't have grandma or anyone around to be our "village"! We have our first date night of 2017 schedule in two weeks (our babysitter is in high demand!) and I cant wait for some alone time with my hubby!!! And we only have one kid..........we better make some big goals whenever #2 comes along or we will never get to go out!

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