Monday, August 25, 2014

40+3 and our "overdue" weekend

This post lacks in pictures and organization, but I can't be held accountable for much these days.

Well, here we are. Another Monday, and I'm still pregnant. We're 40 weeks + 3 days, and I have to admit, I'm not loving it. I am super thankfully I've still had a decent amount of energy, that physically me and baby continue to check out OK, and that I was able to have (what better be) one last enjoyable weekend with just me and Will. But, if I don't have this baby this week, like in the next couple of days, I can't promise how sane I will stay.

I have an appointment at the OB today at 2:15pm. I was hoping I'd get to see one of the two doctors I've seen at last few visits. Unfortunately they weren't available, but fortunately, I know and like the doctor I am seeing. I'll be getting an ultrasound, having a non stress test, and getting checked for more progress. I am very torn about how I hope this appt will go, so I'm trying not to think about it. I want her to be 110% safe, so I am hoping everything looks great, and we schedule an induction date for later (not too much later) this week. If we go though, and there was a reason to be induced today, as long as it wasn't anything serious, I don't think I'd hate that either.

I'm trying not to think about it too much and just take comfort in the fact that I will be in good hands with my OB practice, and remind myself that God has a plan. I plan to work from home this morning prior to the appointment and finish up a few last minute things around the house, so hopefully the next six hours FLY by. I have a feeling they won't. It is pretty darn crazy thinking this may really be it. My last morning as a non parent. But for some reason it either a) hasn't hit me yet that that's really a reality, or b) I am in for a much longer wait and my subconscious knows this and isn't letting me get too psyched up yet. We shall see!

I continue to go back and forth between comfort in the fact that it really HAS to be any day now, and sheer panic knowing that every second that goes by is a second something could be going wrong or that I am just forced to wait for what seems like no good reason. I really hope I can keep a handle on my emotions and stay as calm and rested as possible. I know I will need all my wits about me when the moment of her arrival finally comes.

Oh and if one more person asks me "Did you have the baby yet?" I will lose it. Yes, we had her in secret and just aren't telling anyone. I get asking about progress updates, but obviously I didn't DELIVER her and keep it to myself?!

I mentioned our weekend was pretty nice and relaxing. There are only so many things one can do for fun/to stay sane when 40+ weeks pregnant, but I think we spent our time wisely. Friday after Will got home from work we headed out for a bit of shopping. We went to the new TJ Maxx (Kenwood area for you Cincinnati people), the mall, then out to dinner. We finally got lamps for our bedroom, and picked up a few other random things for ourselves and Norah.

Saturday we took the dogs out for an early morning trip to the dog park up the street from our house before it got too hot. This weather has been crazy humid, so they haven't got to spend much time outside lately. After wrapping that up, we came home and I made brunch which was pretty wonderful. Then we bathed the dogs, cleaned, and just hang around the house. Basically wait for me to go into labor. Which clearly didn't happen. Sunday morning I watched a few episodes of Parenthood. I've been meaning to watch this show for a zillion years, and thanks to Amazon Prime, I started it last week. So far I like it. I don't love it. But I'm going to keep watching. After burning out on Parenthood I napped, we hit Currito for dinner, then did a final, final Target run to get 110% stocked before Norah's arrival. I realized this morning our bread was moldy, but besides that, I think we have everything humanly possible in this house.

All in all, that's whats going on in our lives. This weekend was hard, but not as hard as I expected it to be. Lets hope I can say the same for however many days left we have to wait. Which hopefully is <1. May the next few hours fly! Even if I don't wind up in labor and delivery tonight, at least we will get to see our baby girl on the screen for the first time in 4+ months.
Katie said...

Yay for seeing that baby today!! An ultrasound at that point will be so amazing I bet. Fingers crossed you will receive the exact news you want to today. No more waiting, Miss Norah! We want to meet you :)

Anonymous said...

I hope your dr appt went well and that they gave you some encouraging news!

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